Speak through teamviewer remote control
Speak through teamviewer remote control

speak through teamviewer remote control

Note that for this process to work, the server must have been configured, likely by your IT department, to accept Remote Audio, which is not the default.

speak through teamviewer remote control

  • You will not be doing any dictation on your local computer (the one you're physically in front of).
  • speak through teamviewer remote control

    You access Talkatoo from many different computers - If you use multiple computers to access your server, this methods means you do not need to install Talkatoo on each computer.Your IT department has configured it - It's likely already configured to work.You should use Talkatoo installed on the server if: You want to have a different microphone set as default - When using a microphone with Talkatoo over Remote Desktop, with Talkatoo installed on the server, you need to have the microphone you want to use set as the default communications device.You are using Microsoft Remote Desktop from a Mac - If you're on a Mac, this is the only way to use Talkatoo with a SpeechMike/Olympus microphone over Remote Desktop.You are unable to install Talkatoo on the server - If you lack the ability or permissions to install Talkatoo on the server, or to configure the audio passthrough settings required.You intend to use Talkatoo both locally and over an RDP connection - If it's already setup to use locally, this method will be easiest.You should use Talkatoo installed locally if: In most cases, either option can be used, but here are a few guidelines to help you decide which method will work best. With Talkatoo installed on the server, you are passing the audio and button presses to the server, where it is then transcribed. The main difference is that with Talkatoo installed locally, you will pass the finished dictation over the Remote Desktop Connection. I will cover configuring both methods here. When using Talkatoo over RDP, you can either install it on your local computer, or on the remote computer/server. If you're new to Talkatoo and need to use Talkatoo over Microsoft Remote Desktop, whether you're on Windows or Mac, there are a couple of simple steps, and you'll be dictating in no time. Simply close the pop-up next time you see it, and continue using your SpeechMike as you were. If you're an existing customer, your SpeechMike is already setup and configured to use remotely, and you're happy with it, nothing has to change. Note that Remote Desktop Web Access will work out of the box and does not require any additional settings, as Talkatoo sees your app as running locally.

    Speak through teamviewer remote control